issue 03 – S H A N G H A I S T A T I O N A R Y
Hello and welcome to our Valentine’s newsletter
Happy Valentine´s Day y’all! Have a wonderful day/ evening/ date with your valentine! Send a letter if you cannot be around!
Our new box design has received a huge positive feedback. We introduced the off white boxes at the first edition of German Pen Fest in Hamburg on February 1st and all customers fell instantly in love with it. We based the design on the idea of the old box: Unfolding the parts like a flower, which opens its petals slowly to show her beauty. With market’s demands like more stability, especially for shipping, but also the possibility to store the bottles inside the box on a shelf, easy closure and reopening, and also readability of the colour stored inside,

In the printshop
we had to rethink the construction. But we still wanted to stay close to our
roots. We partnered with a specialised printshop in The Netherlands, where Rogier and his coworkers helped us taking the next step. Now we have one size box for all product types, a zero glue construction, printed with plant based golden ink, clearly marked colour stickers on front and an userfriendly opening- and closing handle..
Same as last year we launched a Special Edition to celebrate the coming of Chinese New Year on January 31st. 2025 is the year of the snake, and the elment is wood. We designed a colour based on the features of the Chinese tree snake: vibrant green body with a light yellow belly and black edged scalpes. Given this snake’s nature of being poisonous, we called the ink VENOM VIPER.

GATEWAY was developed as a Limited Edition ink for the German Pen Fest Vol.01 and was sold out within an hour. Nobody could have foreseen the big croud showing up in the Mozartsäle. We found a box left at home which went to customers who were open to have sent a bottle after the show. Anyway, the colour is related to the harbours of Hamburg and Shanghai and plays with greens and blues of water.
QUEENMOTHER OF THE WEST falls into the serie of Ancient China’s mythology. The mother goddess has many names, but no matter how she is called, she is believed to spend immortality and prosperity.
Two new penrolls have been added to the webshop. The family of home47 has got company by the Red Swan and the Blue Polka Dot.
Both penrolls are extremly cosy storage homes for your most treasured pens and add some fun factor to your pencollection. The penrolls are a product which is developed by Astrid and her sister Anette. Astrid signs in for design and fabric choice, Anette has eye for detail and stands for neat sewing. All rolls are made of old stock upholstery material, lined with velvet or fleece for extra protection of the laquer and polish of the pens, and decorated with little details: a funny fabric design here, a cute lace there… Every single penroll is unique. Which one is your favourite?
Upcoming Penshow
As some of you may know, the Dutch Pen Show in Utrecht will be held for two days this year. Save your savings till May 31st and June 1st to unleash your money on the colour wishlist! We will attend both days with all our inks and penrolls. A new colour relases is planned for these days… So stay tuned!